Blonde woman with glasses working at a white desk with laptop open, flowers on desk and white bookshelf behind her.

5 Ways Essential Oils Can Improve Your Workday

Some days we’re motivated to go to work just by a new project or the promise we made to ourselves that we’d stop for coffee on the way. Other days the snooze button convinces us that it, too, is a form of self-care.

Regardless of its form, work is a part of our lives, so adding a few simple-but-powerful additions to the workplace can make or break our attitudes toward the ol’ work-life balance. Organic essential oils offer a natural, effective solution to these common workplace challenges.


Let's Face It. Daily Massages Probably Aren't an Option at Work, So Level-Up Your Workday with These Mind and Mood Boosters Instead:

  1. Boosting Concentration and Focus

Maintaining concentration throughout a long workday can be challenging, especially with constant distractions. Essential oils such as rosemary and peppermint are known for their ability to enhance focus and mental clarity.

Rosemary oil, with its refreshing and invigorating scent, can improve cognitive performance and memory. Peppermint oil, on the other hand, contains menthol, which helps stimulate the mind and increase alertness.

How to Use: Diffuse a few drops of rosemary or peppermint oil in your workspace or apply a diluted blend to your temples and wrists to experience a noticeable boost in concentration and productivity.

Photo by Trent Erwin

  1. Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Work-related stress and anxiety can significantly impact your performance and overall well-being. How many of us have quit a job because it was too stressful?

Essential oils like lavender and frankincense are renowned for their calming properties. Lavender oil helps reduce anxiety and promotes a sense of calm, while frankincense oil has a grounding effect that can help manage stress levels.

How to Use: Add a few drops of lavender or frankincense oil to a diffuser or create a personal inhaler by placing a couple of drops on a cotton ball. Inhaling these soothing scents can help you stay calm and focused, even during the most hectic workdays.


Photo by Léonard Cotte

  1. Enhancing Mood and Energy Levels

Low energy levels and mood swings can make it difficult to stay motivated and productive. Citrus oils, such as lemon and orange, are excellent for boosting energy and improving mood.

The uplifting scent of lemon oil can help reduce feelings of fatigue and increase mental clarity, while orange oil is known for its antidepressant properties, promoting a positive and energetic atmosphere.

You know who else would appreciate that? Clients who come into your office.

How to Use: Diffuse lemon or orange oil in your office or add a few drops to a personal inhaler. For an instant pick-me-up, inhale directly from the bottle or apply a diluted blend to your wrists and neck.


Photo by Elena Joland

  1. Improving Air Quality

Indoor air quality can affect your health and productivity. Essential oils like eucalyptus and tea tree have powerful antimicrobial properties that can purify the air and reduce the presence of airborne pathogens.

Eucalyptus oil is particularly effective in clearing the airways and promoting better respiratory health, while tea tree oil can help eliminate germs and bacteria.

How to Use: Use a diffuser to disperse eucalyptus or tea tree oil in your workspace. This not only improves air quality but also creates a refreshing and clean environment, making it easier to breathe and stay focused.


  1. Alleviating Physical Discomfort

Sitting for long periods or repetitive movements can lead to physical discomfort, such as headaches, neck pain, and muscle tension.

Essential oils like peppermint and clary sage are known for their pain-relieving properties. Peppermint oil’s cooling effect can alleviate headaches and muscle pain, while clary sage oil helps relax tense muscles.

How to Use: Create a soothing massage blend by diluting peppermint or clary sage oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil. Apply this blend to the affected areas and gently massage to relieve pain and tension.


Not Sure Where to Begin? I Do! This is where I can help.

Photo by Z Photo and Film

My name is Sherrie Miller, and I am the founder of Essential for Wellness, an organic essential oil e-commerce company based in Naples, Florida.

When my dad’s nurse told him in his hospital room that she could save a life if the person had overdosed on heroin but could do nothing if the person took too much ibuprofen, she had my full attention. This is where our family’s path to natural wellness began.

I became a certified essential coach in 2018 and began sourcing high-quality, USDA organic essential oils for our family and friends, eventually founding my company, Essential for Wellness. I created and trademarked two collections, Ready to Roll® organic blends and Diffuse It® organic essential oils for the diffuser.

Aside from essential oils, we research and try any/all herbal remedies for common daily ailments to avoid unnecessary trips to doctor. If this is the way you like to live your life or are interested in learning a more holistic way of treating your body, join our community and subscribe to our newsletter for 20% off your first order. 

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